Lost Money with Stifel, Nicolaus & Company? Investors May Be Able to Recover Losses
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated (CRD #793) is a broker-dealer and advisory firm. Their website states that the firm employs over 2,318 financial advisors across 378 branches. The firm was formed in Missouri and 1900 and has headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri.
Investors should know about the regulatory actions against the firm and the potential to recover losses in cases of broker fraud or misconduct. There are 196 disclosures on the firm’s record, 137 of which are regulatory events. Investors should be aware of these regulatory actions and the alleged harm they caused Stifel’s customers.
Can I Sue Stifel, Nicolaus & Company?
Yes, you can resolve disputes with Stifel, Nicolaus & Company–although you may use different terminology than you would in a civil case. Investors typically resolve their disputes using FINRA arbitration instead of filing a case in civil court.
- Most investment contracts include pre-dispute arbitration clauses that require investors to use FINRA arbitration instead of civil suits.
- Firms may prefer arbitration because the proceedings are non-public, meaning there is less publicity for the firm.
- FINRA arbitration is meant to be simpler and less time-consuming than civil lawsuits.
- FINRA arbitration awards are final and binding, so investors may want a securities lawyer to help them obtain a fair settlement or award.